Love Letters
The first series of Love Letters were created specifically for the “Sweetpea Loves You” exhibition in February 2021 and the second were made for the “Objects of Affection” exhibition in February 2022.
Both series comprise of handwritten letters inspired by a unique collage of found photographs, objects and clothing items.
Where the two series differ is the 2021 set only has 5 letters total: Love, Lust, Tenderness, Longing, and Heartache. Each was one-of-a-kind and had never been read by anyone else before being sealed in the envelope.
The second series followed the theme of the five senses: Scent, Sight, Sound, Touch, and Taste. Each of the five letters had five copies, totalling to 25 handwritten letters.

“I spend my days eating dark chocolate, not because I like it but because you did. I guess it’s like I’m still trying to savour pieces of you, trying to keep the memory alive in my mind forever. Forever… I even bought you a ring that summer. It was one of the mood rings that changes colours, I never did end up giving it to you so I just wear it now, although it hasn’t changed from a dark grey in a long time.”
Excerpt from “Longing”.

“Instinctively, I took your hand, intertwining my cold fingers with yours. I’m not sure if it was the way you looked at me with big forgiving doe eyes, the way you squeezed my hand, or the way you softly played the next sequence of notes on your piano, but suddenly I felt so safe, so cared for, so loved, so vulnerable, that I burst into tears. The first tear was for the loves I’d lost, the second tear was for the dreams that died, and the third was for the gratitude that I finally felt seen. To wipe my tears, you changed the melody of the song you were playing, little hummingbirds and butterflies danced around us. I couldn’t help but start to smile.”
Excerpt from “Sound”.